Designtex Crafts Interactive Human Loom for New York Textile Month

WEave participants operating the manual loom. Photography by Federica Carlet.

Contract fabric manufacturer Designtex created WEave: Inviting Warp and Weft, an interactive loom, in celebration of the inaugural New York Textile Month. Aiming to raise awareness of the textile manufacturing process, the company invited everyday New Yorkers—assisted by textile enthusiasts—to forge a human-scale fabric by physically operating the warp and weft in a manual loom. London-based boutique textile studio Wallace Sewell provided the weft material, comprising colorful patterns in silk, chenille, and lambswool. The event took place last week in Washington Square Park.

WEave: Inviting Warp and Weft from Designtex on Vimeo.

Detail of Wallace Sewell's weft material. Photography by Federica Carlet.

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