
6 Apr 2017

WIN an interior design course at KLC worth nearly £9000

Dreamt of being an interior designer? This is your chance to win an interior __design course at KLC

Having a good eye for colour or being able to arrange cushions 'just so' are admirable skills for anyone to possess. But interior __design they are not. Today's interior designers - at least the ones whose services you might want to use - are well trained in the arts of technical drawings and three-dimensional modelling, not to mention the skills required to manage a design project. 

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Sharyn Cairns

What's The Idea? 

House & Garden has teamed up with KLC, one of Britain's leading interior-design schools, to run a competition to win a free place on its Professional Certificate in Interior design course, starting this September. It normally costs £8,995, and the winner can choose whether to study full-time or part-time.

Who should enter? 

'This is a course for people who are serious about pursuing a career in interior design,' says Hatta Byng, editor of House & Garden. KLC's alumni have gone on to work for some of the studios in House & Garden's 100 Leading Interior Designers list, including Carden Cunietti and Suzy Hoodless. Others have set up successful interior-design businesses on their own. 'We are delighted to be working with House & Garden to identify someone with real potential to succeed as an interior designer,' says Jenny Gibbs, KLC's founder and principal.

How does it work? 

Those entering the competition will be asked to create a mood board and provide design sketches for an interior-design project specified on the application form. 'We shall be looking for a truly creative approach, evidence of spatial awareness and an ability to problem solve and to think outside the box,' Jenny says. Joining Jenny and Hatta on the judging panel will be Liz Holohan, KLC Professional Certificate course leader. The deadline for applicants is June 16 and judging takes place at the end of June. Shortlisted entrants will be invited to House & Garden to meet the editorial team in July and will have the opportunity to present their ideas to the panel.

To Enter Click Here

Submission date: 16 June 2017

Terms and Conditions

  1. The Competition award is for either the full time or part time Certificate courses for September 2017 entry only
  2. Entrants must be able to devote sufficient study time to their course (as set out on the KLC website
  3. The Competition award is non-transferrable and there is no cash alternative
  4. Only one entry per person will be considered
  5. The 5 applicants on the final shortlist will be invited to House & Garden's offices to meet the Editor and editorial team and will have the opportunity to present their ideas to the Editor, and KLC's Principal Jenny Gibbs and Liz Holohan Certificate Course Leader.
  6. KLC reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the Competition and/or Rules of Entry without notice for any matter arising that is beyond the reasonable control of KLC Ltd. Any changes to the Rules, or cancellation of the Competition, will be posted on the KLC School of Design website ( It is the responsibility of entrants to keep themselves informed of any changes to the Rules
  7. In order to attend either Certificate course, English Language ability must be competent, and a minimum score of 6.5 on the English LanguageTesting System ( or equivalent is required.
  8. Only entries made by the Closing Date and in the manner set out in the Competition details will be considered for the award
  9. The winner of the Competition will be selected and notified as set out in the Competition Terms
  10. In the event that the winner is disqualified from the Competition, the judging panel will, select an alternative winner in the same manner as the original winner and such selection will be subject to the Rules
  11. There is no requirement to make any purchase in order to enter the Competition or access the KLC website

Intellectual Property Rights and Data Protection

  1. You agree that KLC Ltd and House & Garden may use your entry (whether or not it wins the Competition) for any promotional purpose (for example, placing it on the KLC website or any poster, leaflet or other advertising media).
  2. KLC Ltd and House & Garden has your permission to use, reproduce, publish, display, transmit, copy, amend, store, your entry worldwide for such promotional purposes and for the purposes of the Competition
  3. KLC Ltd and House & Garden will use any personal information that you provide with your Entry for the purposes of the entry and, where you have given your consent, for marketing purposes including the distribution of regular email updates or newsletters. Any personal information relating to entrants will be used solely by us in accordance with applicable date protection legislation
  4. You confirm that your entry is original and you have the right to lease to KLC Ltd the copyright and other intellectual property rights in the entry for the purposes referred to in these Rules
  5. The winner of the Competition unconditionally agrees (as a condition of accepting any place on a Certificate course) to the use of their name and one or more photographs of themselves
  6. All entries must be received by midnight on 16 June 2017. By submitting an entry, each entrant agrees to the above Terms and Conditions