
6 Apr 2017

Celebrating Capability Brown Landscapes

2016 was the 300th anniversary of the birth of the landscape gardener who defined what we see as the British countryside, in 2017 the celebrations continue...

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NTI-John Hammond

The omnipotent magician, monarch of landscape, a very able master, a man of wit, learning and great integrity; this unique and lavish praise was heaped upon Lancelot 'Capability' Brown in his lifetime for his genius in transforming unpromising countryside into beautiful parks that seemed to be only the work of Dame Nature. He epitomised the emerging cult of the countryside, of the landscape tamed by man and made artistically productive.

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NTI-David Sellman

'Capability' Brown is the most talented
and prolific of the artists who created
the thousands of English Landscape Gardens - gardens on a large scale that seem natural and irregular. This is a great accolade considering that the English Landscape Garden is arguably the greatest contribution Britain has made to the visual arts worldwide. Brown's artistry often goes unnoticed as it blends so subtly into the landscape and its impact has been mostly overlooked. He is associated with more than 250 sites covering 200 square miles in total. 

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NTI-David Noton

Brown's creations are magical. Not for nothing was he called the omnipotent magician as he conjured up divine pastoral landscapes from unpromising sites - anything from a windswept barren downland to a soggy morass. Yes, he worked to a formula. Trees, grass and water were his simple ingredients
to create the English Landscape Garden. His gift was in tailoring them to the 'genius of the place', the genius loci, the unique conditions and form of the site, and its views and setting, to make something that looked beautiful yet felt entirely natural and soothing. As one visitor described '[it] has the most sublime effect... The harmony of the whole diffuses a congenial calm over the imagination and whilst we gaze with rapture, every passion subsides into a most pleasing serenity.'

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Sarah Rutherford

It is easy to read the __design of a Brown landscape once you know what to look for. A simple palette of features was endlessly versatile when expertly and artistically applied to the uniqueness of a particular place: water as lake or river, sweeping grass in a park broken up by clumps and single trees, pleasure grounds and lower gardens, a kitchen garden, usually surrounded by woodland and belts. Some of his plans seem simple and possibly even boring until you see them in
the reality of the site and marvel at the effects he could create, apparently effortlessly, with trees, grass and water on a huge scale.

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NTI-Mike Calnan

He needed a strong three-dimensional image of the site in his mind to be able to work out how to make the most of its 'genius': how to shelter it, lay out drives to the house, and to screen and frame the views. Parks were meant to look like pictures. To achieve this he used clumps of trees of various shapes and sizes to control the views, blocking some and framing others. Sometimes a single tree divides the view purposely or is put in the only place where it does not block views. In this way he created a complex mesh of view lines within and beyond the setting that are often not fully obvious today. Distant church towers, ancient ruins and hills were favourite targets, subtly framed with foreground trees.

Fancy seeing a Capability Brown landscape for yourself? Take your pick from these sites across the country:

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National Trust

Extract and images taken from 'Capability Brown and his Landscape Gardens' by Sarah Rutherford, published by National Trust Books.

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National Trust

The Church of St Peter and St Paul at Fenstanton, Cambridgeshire is raising funds to restore  the only memorial to Lancelot 'Capability' Brown and his family in the UK. Historic England have given the Church Grade I listed status due to the architectural features and unique historical monument to the landscape gardener. Click here to donate.