
5 Mar 2017

Wendy Nicholls' Dos and Don'ts of Decorating

With roots at Colefax & Fowler, Wendy Nicholls' __design aesthetic is gloriously English

Want more? Read the rest of our The Dos and Don'ts of Decorating

You may also like: Wendy Nicholls' London Mansion Flat

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Experiment with layout - the position of furniture can determine the success or failure of a room.

A room can be a mess, but you shove the furniture  around a bit and it looks quite good.

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An interior designed by Wendy.

Know when to stop.

You can kill the look of a house by adding too much stuff.

Take care when choosing fabric from swatches.

I once looked at a tiny piece of fabric that was the perfect colour in the hand, but when I had it made into a stool, it was so alarming I had it taken away before it hit the ground.

Nothing irritates me more than bad joinery.

You can't disguise it; it ruins everything.

Find beauty in unexpected places.

My favourite fabric is Le Manach's 'Mortefontaine'. The colours are so wonderfully ugly, it's horrid; I love it.

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'Mortefontaine', by Le Manach, £325 a metre, from Claremont (claremont

Choose something simple for the floor.

I love the purity of white stone; it isn't just for hot climates.

I can't stand that beige, Oriental-fusion, hotel-anywhere look.

It makes me feel quite unwell.

Take inspiration from art.

When it comes to colour, I find books of old icons inspiring.

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Icons and Saints of the Eastern Orthodox Church by Alfredo Tradigo (Yale, £16.99).

Look at rooms at night.

That's the only way you'll get the light right.

Be exacting on colour.

I adore 'Gustave' by Paint Library. Even though it's been discontinued, they'll mix a colour to match its exact shade of pale grey blue for you.

My most treasured possession is a black Italian cartonnier on a stand.

I bought it when I first came to Colefax and Fowler and it cost more than a year's salary at the time.

Spend your budget on structure, joinery and really doing the building beautifully.

That lasts. Never mind the tiddley pom, it'll come.

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