
17 Jan 2017

Staircase Ideas

Whether you favour a modern open staircase to or a grand spiral staircase, we've dug in to the House & Garden archives to find some extremely stylish examples. From witty staircase paint ideas (great if you can't afford a total architectural do-over) to barely-there steps floating on cantilevered glass; a spiral staircase designed by the man responible for the Eiffel tower, to one that has been turned in to an actual piece of Pop Art.

Come and see how people have turned this architectural lynch pin in to a thing of beauty which can set the decorative tone of an entire house. Come and scale the dizzying heights of staircase design.

Other things you may find useful: Hallway __design ideas | How to decorate a rented flat | How to decorate with colour | How to mix patterns | How to use white paint | How to hang pictures | Dos and Don'ts of Decorating | Rita Notes: Decoration Advice | Wallpaper ideas | Small spaces

  • White Spiral Staircase

    White Spiral Staircase

  • Staircase with Extended Railings

    Staircase with Extended Railings

  • Stripped-Back Stairs with Runner

    Stripped-Back Stairs with Runner

  • Patterned Black Staircase Runner

    Patterned Black Staircase Runner

  • Dark wood stairs with decorative plasterwork walls

    Dark wood stairs with decorative plasterwork walls

  • Internal Spiral Staircase

    Internal Spiral Staircase

  • Hampshire Vicarage

    Hampshire Vicarage

  • Chequered Tiles

    Chequered Tiles

  • Dark Blue Panelled Walls

    Dark Blue Panelled Walls

  • pared back

    pared back

  • Stone & Iron

    Stone & Iron

  • Vestibule Tapestry

    Vestibule Tapestry

  • Green in Delhi

    Green in Delhi

  • Duck Egg Blue

    Duck Egg Blue

  • Light and dark

    Light and dark

  • Gently Winding

    Gently Winding

  • Float Away

    Float Away

  • Skylights


  • Colour pop

    Colour pop

  • Open-tread


  • Wooden Wonder

    Wooden Wonder

  • Tile stencilling

    Tile stencilling

  • Art Attack

    Art Attack

  • In the pink

    In the pink

  • Got it Made

    Got it Made

  • Map the way

    Map the way

  • White Out

    White Out

  • Cool Contrasts

    Cool Contrasts

  • Light Fantastic

    Light Fantastic

  • Earn your stripes

    Earn your stripes