
20 Oct 2016

Where to do Autumn in London

Whether you're looking for something close to home or an opportunity to escape the city, our picks of the best places to see autumn in its full glory in and around London will point you in the right direction. Wrap up warm and get ready to hear those leaves crunching underfoot...

Richmond Park

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Instagram/ chriswharton89
Deer at Richmond Park

The largest of London's eight Royal Parks, Richmond Park lies within London Transport Zone 4 so it is easily reachable for a quick escape from the capital. With over 600 deer roaming the parkland, this is the perfect place to get close to some Great British wildlife - especially during autumn, which is the deer rutting season.

Windsor Great Park

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Instagram/ wickdart
A Waterfall at Windsor Great Park

Just over an hour's drive outside of the capital is Windsor Great Park. Covering roughly 4,800 acres, there are plenty of beautiful autumnal walks through woodland, a deer park, gardens and around lakes. The famous tree-lined 'Long Walk', perfect for taking in the autumn scenery, runs from Snow Hill to the gates of Windsor Castle.

Sky Garden

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Instagram/ Sky Garden
Sunset at the Sky Garden

Not ready to brave the cold for the sake of some autumn scenery? Try the Sky Garden in the City for your indoor autumn fix. The year-round greenery has been planted in colours to complement the light that comes in from the surrounding windows. Book a visit during the evening to catch the golden autumn sunset over the cityscape.

Greenwich Park

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The view of the city from Greenwich Park

Looking for a weatherproof autumn trip? Greenwich Park offers the best of both indoor and outdoor. Wander through the open spaces and take in spectacular views stretching across the river to St. Paul's Cathedral, or visit the Queen's Orchard and discover a variety of seasonal produce. If the rain clouds move in, head to the Greenwich Observatory and discover 'The Sky Tonight' - a planetarium show that shows audiences the night sky.

Kyoto Garden

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Instagram/ mamiloli
Stunning autumn colours at Kyoto Garden

Autumn is the best time to see this Japanese garden in its full colourful glory. Just ten minutes' walk away from the bustle of High Street Kensington, this oasis of tranquillity is the perfect place to settle down with a book or take a stroll to the waterfall, which runs into a pond inhabited by resident koi carp.

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